C. R. Wiley on Piety, Christian Households, and Masculinity

The Bible describes the world as God’s cosmos. This word conveys the idea of creation being God’s well-ordered household that is organized for his glory. Paul emphasizes the importance of this truth in his letters when he explains that Christian households are to be a reflection of God’s household. Unfortunately, many Christians today do not think of their family lives as “households” with a purpose.

My guest in this episode helps us to recover a sense of the meaning and purpose of the Christian household. His name is C. R. Wiley and we discussed his superb book The Household and the War for the Cosmos. Besides writing for magazines and publishing books he has been a pastor (still is!), a college professor, a commercial real estate investor, a landlord (still that, too!), and a building contractor. He has been happily married for over 30 years and he has three grown children. He resides in the state of Washington.

He has written for Touchstone Magazine, Modern Reformation, Sacred Architecture, The Imaginative Conservative, Front Porch Republic, National Review Online, and First Things, among others. His most recent book is, The Household and the War for the Cosmos published by Canon Press (2019). His short fiction has appeared in The Mythic Circle (published by the Mythopoeic Society) and elsewhere, and the first book in his young adult fantasy series, The Purloined Boy was published by Canonball Books (2017). He is a board member of the Academy of Philosophy and Letters, as well as New Saint Andrews College.

Show Highlights

  • Chris helps us to understand the classical virtue of piety and how that influences the way we view ourselves.

  • We discussed the competing views of the household today and how they differ from what Paul wrote about in the New Testament.

  • Towards the end of the show we discussed the crisis of masculinity and what it means to be men and women.


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