Thaddeus Williams on Social Justice, Critical Theory, and the Christian Worldview

Justice, race, sexuality, and gender are among the hottest topics in our culture today. These issues are often packaged together under the banners of “social justice” and being “woke.” The church has not been immune from these conversations, as many Christians attempt to grapple with the various issues and voices around social justice.

As I have studied these debates, I have found one of the best resources to be Thaddeus Williams’s Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth. In this single volume, Williams tackles all of the foremost topics swirling around our culture today. His treatment of these debates is grounded in truth, compassion, and a desire for true justice. In this episode, we discuss his book and a Christian view of social justice that is grounded in a thoroughly biblical worldview.

Thaddeus Williams (Ph.D., Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam) loves enlarging students’ understanding and enjoyment of Jesus at Biola University in La Mirada, CA, where he serves as assistant professor of Systematic Theology for Talbot School of Theology. He has also taught Philosophy and Literature at Saddleback College, Jurisprudence at Trinity Law School, and as a lecturer in Worldview Studies at L’Abri Fellowships in Switzerland and Holland, and Ethics for Blackstone Legal Fellowship the Federalist Society in Washington D.C. He resides in Orange County, CA with his wife and four kids.

Show Highlights

  • Thaddeus shares stories of people who have experienced transformation through accepting both biblical views of justice and unbiblical views of justice and how that impacted their lives.

  • The civil rights legend John Perkins endorsed and wrote the foreword for Confronting Injustice without Compromising Truth. Thaddeus tells the story of how Perkins came to write the foreword and why he endorsed the book.

  • We learn about the differences between what Williams calls Social Justice A and Social Justice B. He explains how each one either aligns with or departs from Scripture.

  • The two visions of justice that Williams describes include two divergent worldviews and definitions of justice.


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