Vern Poythress on Thinking About History with the Christian Worldview

They say that those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it. What about those who misunderstand or distort the past? It’s not only important that we know history but that we get history right. As Christians, history is another segment of life that we can approach and understand from the biblical worldview to gain a proper view. I’m glad to welcome on the show Vern Poythress to discuss his newest book Redeeming Our Thinking About History: A God-Centered Approach.

Vern S. Poythress (PhD, Harvard University; ThD, University of Stellenbosch) is Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Biblical Interpretation, and Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he has taught for four decades. In addition to earning six academic degrees, he is the author of numerous books and articles on biblical interpretation, language, and science. You can read his full bio here.


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