Jay Kim on Why the Church Cannot Be Replaced by Online Media

The rise of digital communications technology has had a significant impact in every area of human life. The Christian church has not been immune to the challenges of the digital age, as many leaders have grappled with how to approach it. While some church leaders have been enthusiastic about embracing the advantages of digital media, today’s guest is urging caution and wisdom as we evaluate how much we embrace and adapt to the digital age. His name is Jay Kim and he has written a book called Analog Church: Why We Need Real People, Places, and Things in the Digital Age.

Jay Y. Kim serves as lead pastor for teaching at WestGate Church in the Silicon Valley of CA. He's the author of Analog Church and his written work has been featured in Christianity Today, The Gospel Coalition, Missio Alliance, Relevant, and Outreach. He lives in Silicon Valley with his wife and two young kids.

Show Highlights

  • Jay shares his inspiration for writing the book and how being born and raised in Silicon Valley has shaped his view of technology.

  • We learn that the church is more than an event or a building; rather, it is a gathered people filled with the Holy Spirit.

  • Jay shares how too much of an embrace of tech and attempts to be relevant makes the church lose its most unique offers: transcendence.


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