Scott Christensen on the Problem of Evil, Theodicy, and the Greater Glory Argument

Suffering is a fact of life that we must all face. Moreover, it is an element of life that every worldview must provide an answer for. Opponents of Christianity have considered the problem of evil to be the Achilles heel of the Christian faith. However, today’s guest sees no problem with the existence of an all-loving, all-powerful God in a world that has suffering. He argues that we must start off understanding the God of Scripture and the rest falls into place.

Scott Christensen joined me for this episode of Filter to discuss the problem of evil and the answer that he proposes called “the greater glory” argument. Scott holds an MDiv from The Master's Seminary and is the author of What about Free Will? and What about Evil? He worked for nine years at the award-winning CCY Architects in Aspen, Colorado where several of his home designs were featured in Architectural Digest magazine. Called out of this work to the ministry, he graduated with honors from seminary and now serves as the associate pastor of Kerrville Bible Church in Kerrville, Texas.

Show Highlights

  • Scott explains the classic “problem of evil” objection to the existence of God.

  • A defense attempts to disarm the problem of evil arguments, but a theodicy attempts to provide a positive argument for why God might allow suffering.

  • Scott argues that if we want to correctly understand why there is evil and suffering in the world, then we must begin with getting God right.

  • Scott presents his argument that he calls the “greater glory” argument, which is an offshoot of the greater good argument.

  • We learn how having a biblically-informed view of suffering and evil can help us to live well in the face of tragedy and malevolence.


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