Filter Ep. 5: Top 5 Evidences for Jesus' Resurrection

The Christian message boldly includes that Jesus Christ rose from the dead three days after his crucifixion. Modern people, even Christians, might find this claim difficult to believe. However, we have a lot of evidence for Jesus’ resurrection that can challenge skepticism and bolster faith. 

In this episode, we look at Aaron’s top 5 evidences for Jesus’ resurrection. We’ll consider facts related to first-century views on resurrection, the first witnesses to the empty tomb, the birth of the church, and more. Explore the highlights and resources below for more on this topic.

Show Highlights

  • The Christian message stands or falls on the resurrection of Jesus.

  • No one in the first century believed in resurrection as the Christians claimed happened to Jesus, which would have made their message difficult to accept.

  • Paul’s quoting of a creed in 1 Corinthians 15 shows that the very first Christians believed in an empty tomb and resurrection.

  • All four Gospels claim that women were the first eyewitnesses to the empty tomb. In a patriarchal society, this would pose a problem.

  • “One of the most remarkable facts about the early Christian belief in Jesus’ resurrection was that it flourished in the very city where Jesus had been publicly crucified.” - William Lane Craig


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