Filter, Ep. 3: What Is Apologetics?

In every age, the Christian faith faces challenges from opponents within the surrounding culture. It is the task of believers in every period to craft reasonable, persuasive responses to these questions and doubts. Apologetics is the discipline of defending, commending, and communicating the faith.

This episode will help you to understand the main biblical text for apologetics and the various uses for apologetics. You will learn how we can utilize a variety of tools to do apologetics, as well as what is the most important thing in Christian apologetics.

Show Highlights

  • “Apologetics… is the practice of offering an appeal and a defense for the Christian faith. In other words, apologetics, through word and deed, answers both why a person can believe (defense) and why a person should believe (appeal)” - Joshua Chatraw and Mark Allen

  • Apologetics is useful for defending the faith from attacks, commending the faith to hearers, communicating the faith to unbelievers and more. 

  • The tools at the apologist’s disposal are more than rational arguments but also include scientific and historical evidence, storytelling, and more.

  • Our concern in apologetics should also include a focus on our character and manners before the world.

  • The three most important character traits for Christian Apologetics.


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